hotel Chateau Mere i Kakheti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Georgienhotel Chateau Mere



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Street Vardisubani 15 Telavi, 0145, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 595 99 03 99
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Latitude: 41.9226873, Longitude: 45.4083626

kommentar 5

  • Erekle Kinkladze

    Erekle Kinkladze


    One of the best places to have a calm and fresh vacation. The food here is tasty (10/10) and stuff is really friendly!

  • Salome Gabunia

    Salome Gabunia


    I like it, mostly restaurant. I love the atmosphere that the restaurant has, personnel were friendly and assistive, food was amazing, drinks as well. The only minus for me was: not abiding to COVID-19 rules - like wearing masks, and hotel rooms - full of strange photos... I was happy that my kids were not with me on the trip, coz there were some quite unpleasant ones... not to mention dirty wc, not having some sort of dividers between balconies.... some small stuff.. Restaurant was my best experience :)

  • Reem Muharib

    Reem Muharib


    Gorgeous property and great Georgian white wine. Breakfast and Georgian red wine were both just OK.

  • Tiko Taboridze

    Tiko Taboridze


    Customer oriented place, lovely atmosphere and 5-star service

  • Rusudan Tushuri

    Rusudan Tushuri


    The service is good. Food is also quite good. Perfect place for the short-term visit

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