High Council of Justice of Georgia i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHigh Council of Justice of Georgia


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12, Bochorma Street, 0144, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 27 31 00
internet side: www.hcoj.gov.ge
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6865869, Longitude: 44.8287617

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicolet Nelson


    The WORSE country were they is no justice AT ALL! The Courts system doesn’t exist ABSOLUTELY! If you are in age 40 or up do not even try to put any complain in the Georgian courts! No matter what case you have! It will never be reviewed, you will be DEAD until they send any information from the court. You got 0 chance to be notified of your case. The lawyer system is a big joke in that country and do NOT even spend money! STAY AWAY from that Communist ROTTEN county! It is a same system and do not get FOOLED with propaganda information that there is no the Communism! It is a Communism system and LAWLESS place! The Freeloader crooks and CORRUPT GREEDY SOCIETY!

  • en

    Edvins Balsevics


  • Anton Mdzinarishvili

    Anton Mdzinarishvili


  • Geotraveltours



    High Council

  • Zviad Gabroshvili

    Zviad Gabroshvili


    Nice design

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