HB i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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8, Kutaisi Street, 6010, Batumi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 593 52 56 52
internet side: hb-batumi.business.site
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Latitude: 41.651174, Longitude: 41.641913

kommentar 5

  • Ilya Kopan

    Ilya Kopan


    Poor service, manager in German restaurant doesn’t speak any language other than Georgian, also served old bread which they put in microwave to look more fresh. UPD: after 7 hours got all signs of food poisoning. Must be ham in omelette. Avoid this place.

  • Marco Bültermann

    Marco Bültermann


    The interior looks great for someone who’s never even googled anything about Germany. We ordered Khinkali and Kababi and they looked really great, when the waiters were serving them to all the tables but ours. After more than one hour (and several requests to whom they replied our food will be there every second) we wanted to pay out drinks (which they managed to bring after a few minutes) and leave, when 4 waiters tried to convince us to stay and one of them even got physical. A funny experience but not recommendable if you‘re hungry.

  • Ilona Min

    Ilona Min


    Amazing service and amazing ojakhuri, the best we had in Georgia after one month of travelling around. Also very nice location and terrace. Downside: there was no more martini after 2 glasses.

  • Yulia Yalinich

    Yulia Yalinich


    We wanted to sit outside so we sat at the only empty table (with no reservation signs) - the waiter told us it is occupied and go sit inside. Again there was no people around, no sign, nothing. We came following the recommendation but didn’t even have the chance to eat there. Very unfriendly place, will definitely not come back

  • Robert Trebor

    Robert Trebor


    Unfortunately, a huge disappointment. The ordered ribs turned out to be so hard that. It was impossible to eat them. I returned this dish. Wife ordered grilled pork. Also hard, but eats it. You can see that the pieces of meat were not of the best quality. Quickly prepared. I was hoping for better food. Electronically accessible menu card. Not all dishes are available on the menu. I wanted to order something else. No photos, no descriptions. Plus, wifi is not available outside everywhere. It's a bit of a pseudo-German restaurant.

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