Гостевой дом Del'Mar i Gagra

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GeorgienГостевой дом Del'Mar



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22, Tereshkova Street, Gagra
kontakter telefon: +7 940 965-44-46
internet side: gagra-delmar.ru
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.281171, Longitude: 40.263517

kommentar 5

  • К С

    К С


    We ordered delivery at 22.00. As a result, we received the order at 23.00. The pizza was hot. The fries, of course, suffocated in the bag and no longer crunched. The cheese sauce is delicious and there is a lot of it. They put enough cutlery and napkins, 3 pieces of sauce for the rolls. Pts big rolls, there is probably more minus. Wasabi is not spicy at all. In general, the rolls are fresh for Abkhazia.

  • Павел Кузнецов

    Павел Кузнецов


    I can't tell you about the hotel, but the dining room is delicious and the price tag is okay. Average bill 250-350 rubles

  • Надежда Марданова

    Надежда Марданова


    We went with our family for lunch, everything seemed to be fine, but for some reason they did not return a second time.

  • Артур Бланарь

    Артур Бланарь


    There is no sushi or pizza, there is misinformation on the site

  • Нина Диденко

    Нина Диденко


    I recommend !!! Very nice institution, wonderful, sincere people meet. Many thanks to Alla !!! Tasty, beautiful, prices match the quality. Be sure to spend the evening looking at the sunset and the sea!

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