George Dom i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienGeorge Dom


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Soxumi 22, Batumi 6000, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 558 90 19 00
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6418949, Longitude: 41.6493389

kommentar 5

  • Ана Петренко

    Ана Петренко


    Very nice host, treated to wine

  • ayhan yazici

    ayhan yazici


    Clean family hotel

  • Canoğlu Reklam

    Canoğlu Reklam


    According to the price of a nice hotel close to the center, the only problem about the operator is the lack of signpost

  • 김Denis



    The price is fully consistent with the quality of housing. The room has its own bathroom, shower, TV, air conditioning, wi-fi. Private entrance from the owners, a common refrigerator, a small kitchen. Overall good location, everything is close by. We met excellent, good, hospitable hosts.

  • 김용범



    I do not like it well, but my grandmother is angry and angry without reason and seems like most of the people in Georgia do not have a service mentality and think that she is right. If caustic rain falls and you can not get anywhere else, please go. I will be asleep one day like me. I am going to stay for a few days and come to Turkey on the same day. Reconciliation ..

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