Family Kitchen i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienFamily Kitchen


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PQFW+5M7, Tbilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 592 10 46 91
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Latitude: 41.7229126, Longitude: 44.7966597

kommentar 5

  • Georgia1001 グルジア1001

    Georgia1001 グルジア1001


    I thought it was a quiet dining room just a 2-minute walk from Tbilisi Railway Station and Subway Station Square, but it was a thriving dining room where customers turned quickly. Although the store is small, the customer base is wide, with families, single customers, and drunken fathers. Unlike other izakaya in front of the station, order was maintained. The menu is only written in Georgian on the whiteboard, but there are many types. Side dishes are also lined up in the showcase. Elderly women are busy working in the kitchen. The old man who is waiting for the train to go home and drinks warmly when foreigners come to the store is also at home. Rice is a quick and cheap triple time signature. I'm going to go. Georgia1001

  • rafid athary

    rafid athary



  • Gela MG-SH

    Gela MG-SH


  • Maciej Dakowicz

    Maciej Dakowicz


  • Temo Maisuradze

    Temo Maisuradze


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