FADAFA Beauty Studio • ფადაფა სილამაზის სალონი i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienFADAFA Beauty Studio • ფადაფა სილამაზის სალონი



🕗 åbningstider

30, Otar Oniashvili Street, 0160, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 43 19 76
internet side: fadafa.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.7312912, Longitude: 44.7640518

kommentar 5

  • en

    Matthew Mosley


    Hello everyone, I ordered a haircut for my long hair, I do not remember the name of the master, but they are all good there, I was there 3 times already. I plan to go still here! And the rest I advise!

  • en

    Игорь Володов


    I recommend beauty salon to visit! The best masters of their craft work here! Also very cozy and benevolent atmosphere.

  • en

    Полина Полина


    The salon is super! Affordable prices and professional masters! I advise all girls to visit this salon! You will not regret. You will always be well received, served by the highest quality! You will get a lot of positive emotions!

  • en

    Марина Федяева


    Beauty salon - a great place! I want to go back again and again! Thank you very much to the masters of this wonderful beauty salon for making us beautiful and attractive!

  • en

    Наталья Корбан


    Good evening, I want to thank the employees of the beauty salon! I held several procedures for my face and body in your salon, the result exceeded all expectations! I wish creative success and prosperity of your salon!

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