ექსტრამითის XL პავილიონი EXTRAMEAT XL i Kutaisi

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Georgienექსტრამითის XL პავილიონი EXTRAMEAT XL


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ქუთაისი, ცისფერყანწელთა ქუჩა, ანჯაფარიძის, სკვერი, Kutaisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 42.2695374, Longitude: 42.7017064

kommentar 5

  • Al Shahla Portable Studio

    Al Shahla Portable Studio


    very bad restaurant, hygiene zero, service zero very rude workers. I ordered and went to get money from my husband the told me we r closed and after that I stayed in line for more than 40 minutes and after I got my order and started eating while the food was so so so hot not serving temperature they made us lease the seating era and most importantly the guy who makes the burgers kept rubbing his hands with greece and everyone was touching everything and finally while they were removing the seats the guy not only rubbed his nose while making the food but also spat next to our table. Georgians are great, sweet and very hospitable but this place was REAL BAD

  • Nino Chighladze

    Nino Chighladze


    Very tasty food 😋

  • Hisham B

    Hisham B


    Best Burger in Georgia 😋

  • Agnieszka Komorowska

    Agnieszka Komorowska


    We were recommended this place by a local person, the best burger place in the city :) we came back the next day for the same thing 😅

  • skooba steve

    skooba steve


    Absolitely phenomenal. Best burgers in georgia! And much better pricing than anywhere else. Soulfood. Go here!

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