Denta Plus Clinic Tbilisi i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienDenta Plus Clinic Tbilisi



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38, Vazha Pshavela Avenue, 0177, Tbilisi, GE Georgien
kontakter telefon: +995 322 39 54 06
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.725488, Longitude: 44.748393

kommentar 5

  • en

    Гия Гачечиладзе


  • Andrea Stefania Blanco

    Andrea Stefania Blanco


    Good dentists! I had a dental emergency while in Tbilisi and they help me. I called in the morning and they attend me at midday, so perfect! Redommended!

  • mateusz wilk

    mateusz wilk


    I want to say a massive thank you to Dr. Natela and all staff at the clinic. During my recent holidays to Georgia I experienced a dental emergency and they were able to accommodate my request for dental treatment. I received professional support and was able to enjoy the rest of my time in Georgia. I definitely recommend the clinic to everyone!

  • Olga Malinovskaya

    Olga Malinovskaya


    Excellent service every time I visit .

  • en

    Gisela Garzon


    Natia, one of the main dentists, is excellent! She takes her time, is very detailed and speaks excellent English. She helped me enormously with understanding the treatment I needed, even with text messages and by writing instructions to follow. The price is also very good, indeed quite low for the service I got.

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