Coral Boutique Hotel i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienCoral Boutique Hotel


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113b, Dimitri Uznadze Street, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 243 01 13
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Latitude: 41.7130778, Longitude: 44.7922

kommentar 5

  • Chen Ron

    Chen Ron


    Realy a good Hotel. Nothing special but All things are as it should be, the rooms are clean, breakfast is excelent, the service is with a smile.

  • David Kramer

    David Kramer


    Rooms vary in quality enormously. Don’t settle for a poor room because it isn’t cheap. Breakfast is good and staff are helpful. Not centrally located if you want to go out for dinner.

  • Phong Batobato

    Phong Batobato


    ..we just had an overnight stay in this hotel,,the staff in the reception was so nice and helpful,,it quite far from the old tbilisi if by foot,but by taxi it's just around 5-10 minutes away,,make sure to download a taxi app called BOLT to book your taxi (just like uber and grab) and don't fall victim on those taxi scammers,,

  • Dilum Jayanath

    Dilum Jayanath


    This place is located near to the Main street and worth for the money.. Some rooms are fitted with Jacuzzis. You can find supermarkets and important things near by..

  • Uri Gavze

    Uri Gavze


    This hotel is a great value for money! its relatively cheap and in return it gave us a very spacious room and a cute balcony to sit in. the staff was very kind and professional! every time we wanted something from the reception, we got it in a matter of minutes. Kate from the hotel's staff always welcomed us with a smile and willingness to help! Thank you very much for everything! Revital & Uri.

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