City Star Hotel i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienCity Star Hotel


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21, Griboedov Street, 6000, Batumi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 422 27 18 04
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Latitude: 41.6436891, Longitude: 41.6230657

kommentar 5

  • Dato David Jikia

    Dato David Jikia


    Needing a renovation. Close to the see side.

  • daniel Erez

    daniel Erez


    staff is very friendly, but dont speak any language aside from georgian. our room was filthy upon arrival and there was only one towel. there are no lights nor light switches next to the bed. you have to get out of the bed and walk across the room to turn off the ceiling lights. the shower leaks and the entire bathroom floor fills up with water. there is one elevator in the hotel and you hear it working in all of the rooms, it makes a racket!! our room was on the 5th floor facing the street, on addition to the elevator we also had horns honking and moving truck noises the entire nite. good luck to whoever hazards to check in to the city star hotel on batumi georgia.

  • Olzhas Tolubayev

    Olzhas Tolubayev


    Do not book this hotel, unless they improve. The elevator is very noisy and you can hear it in your room. All the noise from outside can be heard in the room. Breakfast is awful. Toilet stinks sewage. Doors are broken, the hotel is dark. We had to move out of this hotel and found better and cheaper place just around the corner. It is pricy for the service they provide. No wi-fi, only at the reception.

  • MG Shehabi

    MG Shehabi


    I've had a bad experience with this hotel, the water in the bathroom had strong smell of sewage, the management acted extremely slowly to solve the problem, it took them two days to call water authorities to identify and solve the problem, the clean water pipe was broken and getting mixed with sewage dirt. In addition to that, staff didn't seem to have received proper training to talk politely to the frustrated guests. We had to change the hotel and lost part of the money we paid to the hotel in advance. For breakfast guests were uncomfortable as hotel staff were showing anger for the quantity of food guests put in their plates. That was really a very low class attitude.

  • Irakli Barbakadze

    Irakli Barbakadze


    Very nice hotel with nice staff

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