Budget Hotel Tipsy i T'bilisi

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GeorgienBudget Hotel Tipsy



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15, Konstantine Iluridze Street, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.7467655, Longitude: 44.7965358

kommentar 5

  • KH BR

    KH BR



  • citizen of earth

    citizen of earth


    this place was really comfortable to stay. the security is satisfying. the staff are nice and welcoming and they try their best to make you feel at home. the breakfasts are delicious. the rooms are quiet and cozy. they have TV and air conditioners. it has a good location, you can easily get to the nearest bus station by a 5 min walk. the grocery store is nearby.

  • Mumin Caliskan

    Mumin Caliskan


    Its really Best place for staying. Price/performance Perfect

  • Abdalfatah Bin jabal

    Abdalfatah Bin jabal


    Awsome great people and thank you very much

  • ok cara (ok cara)

    ok cara (ok cara)


    really nice and easy Hotel in clean

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