Boombully Rooms and Hostel i Tbilisi

GeorgienBoombully Rooms and Hostel


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24, Shota Rustaveli Avenue, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 551 10 01 72
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Latitude: 41.7004017, Longitude: 44.7959161

kommentar 5

  • Khaydar Makhmadiev

    Khaydar Makhmadiev



  • de

    Oliver Ries


    Zimmer zur Straße zu laut

  • hdstudio. Ge

    hdstudio. Ge


    Boombully Rooms and Hostel

  • Олег Пикалев

    Олег Пикалев


    Я остановился в этом хостеле на 3 дня и не пожалел.Комнаты просторные и чистые.

  • Pedro Wunder

    Pedro Wunder


    Awful aggressive manager! I felt threatened, careful people. After one day at this hostel, Davit the manager got very mad at me when I refused to pay cash in advance for 10 days at Boombully. I proposed to pay day by day or even three days in advance for my stay. But the manager went completely mad shouting something in Georgian that i could not understand. I went to Georgia to do research for my master thesis. So hired a room to have space to work. I do not know why Davit was so angry. I felt threatened as he is bigger than me and he was very unfriendly and started to walk around the room grabbing his own hair with annoyance and shouting. It was very uncomfortable situation for me. The manager said that it was normal in Georgia to pay in advance and that if i do not like it I rather go away. With such unwelcoming situation, I left the hotel. I am completely astonished to read Boombully Hostel good reviews. I do not know why I was treated that way. Was it my color? my looks?. I have traveled all over the world and I never lived such a situation. that was my first hours in Georgia, thanks to Davit. I spent the next 9 days at the "Why not? hostel" and it was great, there at the Whynot? I felt welcome.

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