Beaumonde Garden i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienBeaumonde Garden


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6a Marshal Gelovani Street Tbilisi, Tbilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 53 20 16
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Latitude: 41.75052, Longitude: 44.7677206

kommentar 5

  • David Bulavrishvili

    David Bulavrishvili


    Good amenities

  • en

    Dodo Gotsiridze


    Average quality hotel with sofar bath

  • Jameel Shakeel

    Jameel Shakeel


    Nice and cozy place to stay with family

  • en

    reyhane moslemi


    Almost no service! The only good part is the view on the second floor. No toothpaste, not even a new towel!

  • Babak Jahedmanesh

    Babak Jahedmanesh


    Terrible, most of advertised stuff doesn't exist, there is no hot-tub, pool is never ready always under water treatment but there are all kind of garbage in it. The pool table in the hotel profile doesn't exist! Breakfast is exact same thing everyday and it's getting older in taste and moldier even! Hotel is understaffed, you don't feel safe if something happens. Water can go out without prior notice! Beds are broken and noisy even if you sit on them motionless! TV doesn't have any English channel at all, only Georgian and Russian! Rooms are moldy, many tourism agencies advertise this hotel as 4/5 star which is a big lie, it used to be 3 star and now it dosn't have a rate anymore!

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