Bassiani i Tbilisi

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Akaki Tsereteli Avenue, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 88 08 88
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Latitude: 41.7230873, Longitude: 44.7908977

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tyler Torres


    Fun fun fun For those who may visit here, it is good to be aware of what it is. In my opinion, you should come for the music and atmosphere, you should come to be in an open and accepting environment, one that is safe for everyone, whether you be LGBTQ, looking for a social release, a dorky dancer, whatever. It's an amazing club and leading the progressive social scene here locally. I wouldn't suggest coming here to drink with the boys, hookup, whatever. I think a lot of people I've met that don't get in here gave off a vibe of being there for something else besides the music, which may be why they didn't get in, or alternatively didn't enjoy themselves. Either way, if you go, hopefully you'll have an amazing time and be able to appreciate the special place that Bassiani is.

  • Grigol Khasia

    Grigol Khasia


    A must go place in Tbilisi. Great sound systems, great light installations, great crowd. There are two stages here, smoking is not allowed in smaller one (not sure for main). Lineups are generally very good. One of the best techno clubs. Regular events on Friday and Saturday nights. 🖤

  • en

    Musaad Alanezi


    stupid place , don’t recommend we were 1 man and 6 girls , and they didn’t let us in , overdose death cases is high in this club ,

  • Khei Take

    Khei Take


    It has an atmosphere that can not have in the Middle East, Middle Asia, and India. It is not a place for fashionable, clean, rich people. Think about why Techno was accepted in Berlin where there was a wall.

  • Tom Taylor

    Tom Taylor


    'You better lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime' Go here for the best dancing this side of the Black Sea. Go here for the drinks, the beats and the Georgio girls. Go here because you want to experience the Caucasian Berghain. I've been to the real Berghain, Germany. Might know what I'm talking about.

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