Artists Residence in Tbilisi i თბილისი

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GeorgienArtists Residence in Tbilisi



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Ortachala Street, 0105, თბილისი, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 595 91 90 89
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.685118, Longitude: 44.816955

kommentar 5

  • Akmaral Orazaly

    Akmaral Orazaly


    A very cosy and cute place with nice breakfast

  • Asaf Cohen

    Asaf Cohen


    We loved our stay in this very unique and beautiful place! The hotel is full of art and it seems like they thought about every detail, really amazing. They hosted us very well, with great breakfast and their own wine.

  • מאור ששון

    מאור ששון


    Nice place if you like modern art for day or two but nothing more then that. There is nice service but the worst breakfast ever (so bad that we pass it few times). And the room is very dark with no option to make it brighter so its a problem.

  • Alvito Tereza

    Alvito Tereza


    A relaxing setting with a beautiful arrangement of carefully selected artwork and decor. A must pick if you’re in Tbilisi and want to be close to the heart of the city yet in a quiet and beautiful property. The staff is very polite & ever so helpful 😁

  • Skeppys kitty cat

    Skeppys kitty cat


    Very beautiful and authentic artist’s house with amazing service. Bed is very comfortable. The owners are so nice and friendly. Absolutely love this place

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