Art Hostel Tbilisi i T'bilisi

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GeorgienArt Hostel Tbilisi



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4, Grigol Khandzteli II Dead End, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 555 95 95 09
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Latitude: 41.6910087, Longitude: 44.805969

kommentar 5

  • David Horák

    David Horák


    A single toilet for 5 rooms, situated in a bathroom with usually a freezy shower only. Unpleasant and aquite a dirty spot. Went through many countries in Asia, but have never seen such a sinister person as the owner of this place, who sent away a family wirh kids eventhow they had a reservation - just because she didn't like them. She even cheated me with a taxi reservation and tryed to charge friends of mine way too much for leaving some backpack behind for a couple days. reservation abd

  • Enes Tunahanlı

    Enes Tunahanlı


    The owner was good but the room was cold

  • Jasmin Gruppe

    Jasmin Gruppe


    I'm very angry about the experience we made in that hostel and especially with the owner Maia. We booked a room for 45 Lari and left our backpacks there in the morning to do a day trip. We came back late and every room was full. There is a helpful guy working there. He told us that we have to move to another house next to the hostel. There we met Maia. She told us to pay 60 Lari. I couldn't belive. She told me that she had to cancel my booking. That was a lie because I didn't have an email telling me that. In that moment she canceled my booking and wanted me to confirm that. Is she crazy? I felt very uncomfortable. She was unfriendly and loud. After some discussions she told me to pay 60. When she left the room we checked the matrass and I saw it was dirty. Could be tracks of bed bugs (and I know how it looks like). So we decided not to sleep there and left the hostel. It was 1.30 am and we needed to find a new hostel!

  • Florian Zypern

    Florian Zypern


    very good location, hospitable family and nice rooms. i can highly recommend this place.

  • jetpilot aldea

    jetpilot aldea


    Laid back place with an artsy feel tucked away in a quiet alley. Friendly staff ask a question and they know the answers about the area. There's a fireplace if you end up staying during winter as well as a kitchen if you want to cook but clean up after yourselves. Beds are comfortable enough with blankets. Not enough showers and toilets considering the number of beds in the hostel.

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