7 Baits Hotel i T'bilisi

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Georgien7 Baits Hotel


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2/4, Ovanes Tumaniani Turn, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 275 36 62
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Latitude: 41.6895594, Longitude: 44.8075412

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Love

    Thomas Love


    One star for location for me. Prime location cannot beat it. However we paid for breakfast for 6 days to find out it’s one meal for all. You have no choice of ordering just a bunch of random food. Room is very basic, walls are paper thin and my back was broken by the end with the bed. Room was cleaned once during our stay and towels changed once only because we asked, otherwise there was no plan to clean it. Laundry service was poor and at a extra charge, not ironed just shoved in a bag and given back. One lady staff member literally tried to walk into our room whilst I was naked to hand my laundry in, rather than knock the door… 7 Baits wasn’t for me unfortunately

  • Vinod Bhojani

    Vinod Bhojani


    Good for quick bite

  • Shalva Milorava

    Shalva Milorava


    was fair hotel in the middle of cultural and beautiful Tbilisi center.but it really needs some improvements,room spaces are a bit small. prices are also fair for that place, but would recommend stuff being more hygienic.

  • Shotti



    Beautiful place

  • melis kiraz

    melis kiraz


    Unfortunately I wasn't happy with 7 baits hotel at all. The staff is not friendly, hygiene conditions are below the standard and during our stay there were no hot water in our room. Do not let the photos fool you, the reality is worse than that.

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